United Black Family Scholarship Foundation

A 501c3 Non Profit Organization

Rebuilding the Community from within the Community

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13 Effective Bullet Points to Building Your Social Media Presence…

The media race for hearts and minds for our followers is real! Therefore, we’re posting a few bullet points to provide you and/or your organization an edge on the battle field.

• Your messages must be crafted not to just stir your followers’ hearts but also boast you or your organization’s brand.

• Media presence and influence derives from the ability to inspire. See example, click

• Exploit multiple social media platforms. For example, Facebook, Twitter, peer-to-peer messaging apps like WhatsApp or Signal and content sharing systems like justpostit.

• Decentralized media operations: Keep your feeds flush with content made by autonomous production units from around the world. (Organizations need to release approximately 30 new items per day: 20 minute videos, full-length documentaries, photo essays, audio clips, and pamphlets in various languages).

• Appeal to marketing firms, publishing outfits, grass-root organizations, businesses, nonprofits, Etc who ply the internet with memes and messages in hopes of connecting with customers.

How do you boost our engagement on social media sites?

• Narrowcasting: create content that caters to Niche audiences. For example, public work projects, Economic Development, and triumphs aimed at niche followers convinces prospective supporters of the veracity of the organization’s core narrative: that it’s empire is both stable and inexorably growing.

• The most significant way in which you or your organization can exhibit its media savviness is through transparency and openness embracing other people, groups, organizations, Etc. This allows you and/or your organization to reach followers that it never was able to reach.

• Transform your media platform into an open source operating system (see below form to submit articles); an ideological platform upon which people can construct elaborate personal narratives. Whereas, the organization’s message gains a foothold among people who map their own struggles and grievances, real or imagined, into the organization’s ideology.

• To become adept at social media you or your organization must be diligent in analyzing how information is manufactured and consumed. ANALYTICS!!!!

• Spread videos via email (e.g., Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc.).

• Add specialists with experience. This brings a level of polish and creativity to you and/or your organization’s media output. For example, first-person scenes/videos recordings; GoPro cameras. These stories should aim to place the ordinary, everyday, experiences with the struggle.

• Increase growth of you and/or your organization’s social media Freelancers by parsing out information in a strategic manner. Here, an organization should permit people within it to form relationships with supporters, through messaging apps. These chosen emissaries, in turn, become celebrities in their online circles because they have the inside scoop on the supposed day-to-day realities of the organization’s operations. These elite emissaries suffuse their social media networks with exclusive content, thereby creating buzz—and allowing the organization to maintain influence over its crowdsource partners.

• Social media is most valuable to stoke a particular kind of emotion, e.g., paranoia, anger, Etc. This is so because individuals and their throes of personal crisis are prone to latch onto whatever preoccupies their imagination at the moment. There are people who, for whatever reason, have some sort of personal difficulty or experience, some sort of break in their lives, and are attuned to engaging in violence for example. They will grab hold of whatever the biggest, baddest revolutionary ideology of the moment is. The BLACK Power Movement, for example, bought countless radical acts of violence.

• Attaching media newscast plays a significant role promoting you and/or your organization’s propaganda.

Bullet points cited from Koerner, B.I. “#Jihad: Isis is better as social media than you are. How the Islamic State is using the tools of the West against it.” Wired Magazine, April 2016, pp. 76-83.



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Let’s Work Together

Let’s Work Together

Wanted: Quality volunteer writers and reporters for our newsletter, blog and FlowPaper page.

How often do we want you to write? That depends on which media platform you choose to write for:

• Blog once a week (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

• Newsletter 1-3 articles quarterly (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

• FlowPaper, once a month

Blog Topics:

• African American Community related health, culture and economic issues.
• Prison
• Education
• New trends
• Technology
• Social life
• Criminal Justice System
• Our staff and volunteers
• Grant opportunities
• And any information that may assist to help nonprofit leaders.

We are looking for people to write? Yes, yes, yes….

Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you soon.