the project enables interns to obtain real-world skills related to donor prospects research, communications, program development, administration of grant procurement, and fundraising for real community projects that make a difference.
Past Events
Go-Fund-Me: 100 Prisoner Book Publishing Project
I was put in contact with Ivan Kilgore, the founder of the United Black Family Scholarship Foundation, during my last year in college, where I was chasing my passion for criminal justice reform through research. I was immediately impressed and intrigued by Mr....
Fresh UBF T-shirts! Buy today & Support a Great Cause!
If you have the skills of a writing editor, and would like to take part in bringing to life the stories of our voiceless ones - those hidden from society, you can become their voice by assisting with the publication of their untold stories in the UBF's “100 Prisoner...
Now Available! Domestic Genocide: The Institutionalization of Society by Ivan Kilgore
NOW AVAILABLE! Domestic Genocide. Kindle $3.99@ In...
Yale University Student Publishes UBF Founder Ivan Kilgore’s Writings.
“Allow me to reintroduce myself,” writes Ivan Kilgore, an inmate at California State Prison, Sacramento. “Within these walls … I am a socially dead person whose existence has no legitimacy whatsoever.” Now [45], Kilgore began serving his life-sentence in 2000. Today,...
Attention Film Makers & Writers
Do you or someone you know consider yourself to be a serious filmmaker or writer? Would you like to have your work considered for production or publication and distribution through our growing social network? If so, please email or mail a physical or digital copy to...
The United Black Family Scholarship Foundation Is Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions From Incarcerated Authors For Publication.
The United Black Family Scholarship Foundation is now accepting manuscript submissions from incarcerated authors for publication. We accept all genres of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories, and essay compilations, graphic novels, etc., which comment upon, or...
International Workers Day / May Day March Statement by UBF Founder Ivan Kilgore
Greetings comrades, My name is Ivan Kilgore. I am an incarcerated activist and founder of the United Black Family Scholarship Foundation. For the past nineteen years I have been fighting on behalf of the underdog. It is with great humility that I have accepted an...
UBF Community Grant Program Application
UBF Community Grant Program Application guidelines Formatting Notes: Proposals should be typed in 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar) with one-inch margins on all sides Pages should be numbered Proposals should not be placed in binders or folders; one staple or...
Community Organizing Award
Book Voucher
Book voucher program
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United Black Family Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 1-918-324-6847