one day he’s doing a life sentence deemed a threat to public safety, and then the next, “poof!” With a mere change of the law he is no longer a threat and is free after almost three decades in prison
Penny For Your Thoughts
If Only I had the Power and Possessed the Key
By C.G. If only I had the power to rise from the graves, all the buried slaves, who were raped, maimed and murdered. If I could only give them life, locked inside metal enslavements, with their key in my possession as they stood before me, I would set them all free –...
The Pen v. the Sword
Opportunities Are Created!
Can You See Yourself With It?
By Mandrel Miller G29534 P.O. Box 1902 Tehachapi, CA 93581 In 2006, I was in the Wayside facility of the LA County Jail fighting at three-strike case for robbery when I met this OG pimp named “Dark Gable.” Dark Gable was in his early forties, about 6' 2” with dark...
A Letter 2 Myself Twenty Years Young!
Often we find ourselves confronted with situations that, at times, provoke us to think desperate measures must be taken despite facing drastic consequences. During these troublesome times our options seem unattainable for whatever reasons. So we pay homage to choices...
A Talk To Teachers
I had to realize when I was very young that I was none of those things I was told I was. I was not, for example, happy. I never touched a watermelon for all kinds of reasons that had been invented by white people, and I knew enough about life by this time to understand that whatever you invent, whatever you project, is you!
We Care For Our Pets Better Than Our Incarcerated Citizens
He’s gone years without touching or being touched by another human being (except when the guards put handcuffs on him to escort him from his cell).
Cryin’ Brian, Queer Bait & Vanilla Tears….
Empathy should be a staple of the human experience, and evolution indicates that normally, it is. But, for the criminal mind, empathy is an impediment, not an empowerment.
Building a Legacy: Adversity Introduces A Man to Himself
I was in prison sentenced to spend the rest of my days on earth locked in a cell. Still and yet, I possessed the ability to make a conscious decision to not allow these circumstances to define me….
University of California, Irvine Prison Pandemic Oral Archive
We often think of prisons as closed institutions that do not affect us or our communities. But, in fact, our society’s health, safety, and well-being are closely tied to our prisons. The COVID crisis in prisons is revealing long-standing and entrenched problems with mass incarceration generally….
Prisoner Lives Matter
Megan McDrew Prisoner Lives Matter, or at least they should. Yet, I’ve come to wonder if society actually sees the incarcerated as valuable or worthy of protection, especially in recent light of the pandemic? It pains me deeply to think of their plight but it hurts,...
Information On How To Effectively Recruit Skilled Volunteers For Your Non-Profit Organization
If you’re building a nonprofit organization and you want or need consulting or development of such a program, please contact us.
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United Black Family Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 1-918-324-6847