Listen to four gut-wrenching radio interviews on the rhetoric of prison rehabilitation by United Black Family Scholarship Foundation founder Ivan Kilgore. Hosted on Prison radio. Click on the following links:...
Tales From The Zo
Open the Gates, Smash the State: A Snippet of Contemporary Prison Movements
On August 21st, 1971, George Jackson, best-selling author and founding member of the Black Guerilla Family was shot to death in the San Quentin prison yard. Prison officials said Jackson had been trying to escape from the isolation unit where he was housed. Three...
We Care For Our Pets Better Than Our Incarcerated Citizens
He’s gone years without touching or being touched by another human being (except when the guards put handcuffs on him to escort him from his cell).
Cryin’ Brian, Queer Bait & Vanilla Tears….
Empathy should be a staple of the human experience, and evolution indicates that normally, it is. But, for the criminal mind, empathy is an impediment, not an empowerment.
Home Coming: Returning Citizens & the Impact of Incarceration
"After years of waiting and counting down, it is almost time for the gates on the Iron House to open and your loved one to step through and come home. Your greatest dream and your worse nightmare are about to be realized...yes, it is your loved one and no, you don't...
Alabama Department of Corrections on Lockdown/ Incarcerated Activist Robert Earl Council Transported to University of Alabama at Birmington Hospital
Alabama Department of Corrections on Lockdown/ Incarcerated Activist Robert Earl Council Transported to University of Alabama at Birmington Hospital
Inspiration: A Life Born of Necessity
Going from prison yards to a university campus is quite the contrast of a life once lived; however, the brightness of his future blinds all doubts from his view.
An Inspiration! Excerpt from Our Founder’s book Mayhem, Murder & Magnificence: A Memoir
…the social death of the African American has always been part of the American Experience
Building a Legacy: Adversity Introduces A Man to Himself
I was in prison sentenced to spend the rest of my days on earth locked in a cell. Still and yet, I possessed the ability to make a conscious decision to not allow these circumstances to define me….
What Happened to California’s Prison Movement?
Today, some seven years after the historic California hunger strikes, the general attitude on the yard is not that of resistance but compliance…
The Other side Of the Glass
Family members talk and chat, girlfriends talk to boyfriend’s, kids run wild jumping and running in the background over the feet of people they don't know or care about. A baby hollers, all mothers turn and make sure their child is okay; some complimenting the mother...
UBF Founder Ivan Kilgore’s McCoy v. Lousisana Reply Brief to the California Supreme Court
Petitioner “communicated to the [trial] court and counsel his opposition to presenting any other defense other than a defense of self-defense under the theory of the doctrine of transferred intent. Whereas, the trial court would “allow[] counsel to usurp control of an issue within [Petitioner’s] sole prerogative”
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United Black Family Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 1-918-324-6847