…if we are to invest in the notion of rehabilitation and entrust American institutions, then we must demand that CDCR release our loved ones, including those serving LWOP and death sentences.
Upcoming Events
Inspiring Leadership: 100 Prisoner Book Publishing Literacy Program!
Inspiring Leadership: 100 Prisoner Book Publishing Literacy Program!
Hidden Voices: 100 Prisoner Book Publishing Project!
As the founder of the United Black Family Scholarship Foundation, it is with great humility that I announce we are now accepting manuscript submissions from incarcerated authors for publication. Our objective is to select 100 prisoner written books to publish. There...
UBF Productions
Projected Launch Date: February 2021 Program Summary: UBF Productions Is a multimedia, Publishing/production subsidiary operating under the organization’s nonprofit charter to specifically collect and edit, publish and produce, promote, and disseminate and distribute...
Writing For Social Justice: An Intimate Conversation On the Impact of Mass Incarceration & Criminal Justice Reform
Here, we have those closest to the problem and those seeking to better understand and change our country’s position as the world’s largest incarcerator, both invested with the power to shape the narrative….
UBF Juvenile Mentoring Program
In order for tomorrow's youth to become leaders and not statistics, they require the support of the greater community. With all the controversy...
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United Black Family Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 1-918-324-6847
Email: news@ubfsf.org