During Mr. Kilgore’s incarceration, he began wondering how he could give back to his community. He wanted to make amends and figure out a way to “Rebuild Communities from within the Community” (our Mission) by cultivating a culture of higher learning and community development through mentorship, scholarship, resource development, and community reinvestment programs. In 2014, with the assistance of friends and family, he incorporated the organization with the Secretary of State for the State of Oklahoma. Since being incarcerated, he has obtained his associate’s degree in business administration.
Here’s where being on the inside of prison walls has paid off tremendously. Mr. Kilgore has utilized his time to study both the strengths and weaknesses of a number of rehabilitative programs currently offered by correctional departments across the country. The fact that the majority of these institutions do not offer educational opportunities or programs to continue postsecondary education beyond an associate’s degree is one of the vital points of rehabilitation that needs to be addressed. Therefore, it is our intent to extend our scholarship and community grant programs to incarcerated students as well so that they may continue their studies by correspondence courses and have a potential source of funding upon release to assist with their entrepreneurial endeavors. This idea for change has kept me and many others in contact with Mr. Kilgore. Our work is directed not only at pushing for reform within prison walls but pushing for reform within the confines of the communities from which many incarcerated people stem.
To this end, we’re excited about getting underway our “100 Prisoner Book Publishing Project.” By this project we aim to publish our first series of 100 prisoner written books that focus on the social, political and economic conditions in underserved communities. Notably, we are giving special attention to those book projects that encourage societal change in order to bridge the racial gap between all people and promote the need and solutions to address the plight faced by those in underserved communities. Moreover, these books, in turn, will be invaluable to the development of our other programs. For example, they will greatly assist with providing insight and experience for our juvenile mentoring program. Through this project we hope to rewrite the narrative by giving a voice to the voiceless and changing how incarcerated people are seen in our society. Our total budget for this project is $119,310 which covers all costs related to production (i.e. editing, type-setting, marketing, graphics, et.). Any and all donations are appreciated immensely!
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