United Black Family Scholarship Foundation

A 501c3 Non Profit Organization

Rebuilding the Community from within the Community

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Leon Banks Testimonial

Testimonial for Mr. Banks

When I first met Ivan, I was immediately struck by his confidence and determination. We walked to chow one morning, and as he talked to me about his business, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Here was a man who, despite the immense challenges of being incarcerated, had successfully started a business. I had met others who had tried and failed, but Ivan was different. I was curious—how did he manage to do it all without the tools that many take for granted, like a cell phone?

I asked Ivan to show me how he had done it. That conversation marked a turning point in my life. I did not realize it, but I was about to become the first participant in his Non-Profit Coaching and Leadership curriculum. Ivan taught me that to succeed, I needed to be serious and passionate about my goals. He sat me down and showed me how to utilize the limited resources available to prisoners, like the law library, and how to formulate a solid plan. I had started an idea for a clothing line while I was still on the outside, but my family struggled to move it forward. Ivan inspired me to pick it up again and taught me how to make it a reality, even from within these walls.

With Ivan’s guidance, I enrolled in college and a business program. He emphasized that changing my mindset from the streets to a more constructive and legal way of thinking was essential. Ivan also taught me how to speak and present myself in a professional manner. He allowed me to listen while he conducted interviews for his own organizations, and through this mentorship, he gave me a sense of power—the belief that I could truly achieve something, even from prison.

One of the most valuable lessons Ivan taught me was that I didn’t need to wait to start working on my dreams. He showed me that I could start now, using the resources I had at hand. With his help, I was able to employ some talented guys inside to draw up my clothing designs, which I then sent to people on the outside to print on t-shirts. The feeling of accomplishment that came from being able to create something from inside these walls was incredible.

I’ve been incarcerated for 15 years, serving life without parole, but the possibility of release remains. This program, and especially Ivan’s mentorship, have helped me break free from the street mentality and re-educate myself on how to work legally. I’ve shifted my mindset from hustling illegally to hustling legally. Ivan showed me that there’s already a blueprint for success, and that all I had to do was follow it.

The program has been challenging, and it hasn’t always been easy, but it has been immensely rewarding. Through the program, I learned crucial skills, such as how to obtain power of attorney and, most importantly, how to implement the knowledge I was gaining. I had read business books before, but I never knew how to apply and execute the skills they described. This program, with Ivan’s help, has taught me not only how to talk—how to shift my speech from gangster to corporate—but also how to organize my business and my thoughts.

The program has forced me to think and change how I think. It has shown me how to change my habits, relate to people, and interact in a legal and professional manner. It has been very challenging, but it has not only improved my chances on the outside but also improved my life inside, helping me move away from crime.

Additionally, the program has taught me financial literacy—not just how to get money, but what to do with it once you have it. I’ve learned the importance of giving back to the community, and I realized how flawed my mindset was before my arrest and before I joined this program. Ivan and the program have shown me that it’s not just about a lifestyle; you have to transition your thought process. They have helped me overcome the negativity and politics of prison life and given me the tools to better my life both inside and, hopefully, one day outside these walls.

This program and Ivan’s mentorship have been a lifeline for me, helping me see a future where I can contribute positively to society.


Mr. Leon Banks


Isabella Cain


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Let’s Work Together

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Wanted: Quality volunteer writers and reporters for our newsletter, blog and FlowPaper page.

How often do we want you to write? That depends on which media platform you choose to write for:

• Blog once a week (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

• Newsletter 1-3 articles quarterly (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

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We are looking for people to write? Yes, yes, yes….

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