United Black Family Scholarship Foundation

A 501c3 Non Profit Organization

Rebuilding the Community from within the Community

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UBFSF | Scholarship & Community Grant Programs

The seed of a bonsai tree has the potential to grow into a full-size tree. But, planted in a tiny pot, its growth is stunted. A person deprived of education or opportunity is like a bonsai.
Muhammad Yunus

Rebuilding Every Black and Underserved Institution to Liberate and Diversify
When we look to the structural environment of an underserved community and how it is created, Muhammad Yunus’s example of the bonsai tree best serves to illustrate the dynamic at play. Here, it often represents a tiny pot of ideas and seemingly limited possibilities that far too often stuns our growth.

To effectively change this dynamic, we recognize the greatest asset to an underserved community is the individual him or herself and the role they play in shaping the “Village”. They are the most vested and determined to create solutions to the social and economic problems we face. By investing in them, their education and ideas, we find the greatest potential for social change.

Thus, the primary objective of our scholarship and community grant programs is to cultivate ideas by empowering the next generation of community leaders, scholars, innovators, and change brokers with the wherewithal to create those movements that will transform our communities for the betterment of society as a whole.

Scholarship Program

Community Grant Program

Get in Touch

Have questions? If you’d like to learn more about our Scholarship & Community Grant Programs, feel free to reach out below.

United Black Family Scholarship Foundation

P.O. BOX 862
Phone: 1-918-732-9426
Email: news@ubfsf.org
UBFSF Circle Logo

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