United Black Family Scholarship Foundation

A 501c3 Non Profit Organization

Rebuilding the Community from within the Community

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The United Black Family Scholarship Foundation Is Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions From Incarcerated Authors For Publication.

April 24, 2019

The United Black Family Scholarship Foundation is now accepting manuscript submissions from incarcerated authors for publication. We accept all genres of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories, and essay compilations, graphic novels, etc., which comment upon, or expound on, some aspect of the social, political and economic conditions in underserved communities.

Submissions that focus on the need, and solutions to, promoting societal change in order to bridge the racial gap between all peoples, so we can build stronger communities that will unite people of all colors, will be given special attention.

For years our focus has been on identifying the issues/problems. It’s time to write words that carry forth messages of solutions for change, and put them into action for a better today and tomorrow.

Please refer to the following article, “A Conversation on Race Issues and Puppets,” for assistance on ideas for your piece.

Selected works will receive a standard royalty payment on all books sold.

Submission guidelines:
All submissions must be double spaced, typed or legibly handwritten.

Submissions must include the following:

• A brief abstract (300 word limit) with clear and accurate contact details for the author and a description of the educational value of the author’s work.
• A detailed synopsis (300 word limit) of what the manuscript is about.
• A manuscript excerpt that does not exceed five thousand words (anything in excess of the limit will not be accepted): Please – do not send complete manuscripts.
• A bibliography page for references cited within the author’s work.

Additional information:

 Subject matter that advocates hatred, sexism, racism, or violence will not be accepted for publication.
 Material that focuses on the writer’s own legal case will not be published; however, the use of the writer’s personal experiences with the criminal justice system as an illustration of a broader topic is encouraged.

Submission Deadline: July 25, 2020

Physical submissions along with a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) should be mailed to the following address:
The United Black Family Scholarship Foundation
Attn: UBF Productions
P.O. Box 862

Brisow, Oklahoma 74010

Electronic submissions are greatly appreciated.
Email to: news@ubfsf.org

For more information about our publishing program log on to: ubfsf.org



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Let’s Work Together

Wanted: Quality volunteer writers and reporters for our newsletter, blog and FlowPaper page.

How often do we want you to write? That depends on which media platform you choose to write for:

• Blog once a week (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

• Newsletter 1-3 articles quarterly (500 to 2500 words – with pics, charts, and videos)

• FlowPaper, once a month

Blog Topics:

• African American Community related health, culture and economic issues.
• Prison
• Education
• New trends
• Technology
• Social life
• Criminal Justice System
• Our staff and volunteers
• Grant opportunities
• And any information that may assist to help nonprofit leaders.

We are looking for people to write? Yes, yes, yes….

Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you soon.