Claims that Trump or the Executive Office of the President has canceled Black History Month appear to stem from a post from Mark Zaid, a prominent lawyer in Washington, D.C., who has represented federal government employees and whistleblowers. In an X post on Jan. 23, Zaid claimed that CIA employees were told that “all resource & affinity groups are canceled.” He continued, “No black history month or MLK celebration, or any other ethnic recognition months.”
The Executive Council of the American History Association wrote a response to it stating, “This executive order embraces a politicized playbook of radical education reform that supports policies that will fail to prepare students to live and work in the 21st-century United States.”
More formally known as the ‘Executive Order “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K–12 Schooling”’ This was actually a joint statement also with the Organization of American History.
The original 1776 commission, which this seems to evoke, was created by Executive Order on November 2nd 2020, weeks before Trump left office. It was clearly drafted in response to Nikole Hannah-Jones’ 1619 project published to wide acclaim in the New York Times magazine.
In response to much of the so called “anti woke” hysteria and also in response to the targeting of Critical Race Theory which the Trump administration also sought to ban. These ideas were taken up by Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida and expanded upon.
This curriculum, if we can call it that, as the AHA & OAH state, ‘rests on— and even promotes—a misleading caricature of history education in the US. This shaky premise undergirds a set of policy mandates that threaten the integrity and utility of history education in our nation.” Their program talks of indoctrination of children in “radical, anti-American ideologies”… and this smacks of control over not only people’s votes, but over people’s minds… standard operating procedure in any autocratic regime— gain control of teachers and impose a curriculum to elevate lies & half truths. Teachers fear for losing their jobs under such pressure coming from their federal government.
The original 1776 commission was created by Executive Order on November 2nd 2020, weeks before Trump left office. It was clearly drafted in response to Nikole Hannah-Jones’ 1619 project and has become a phenomenon.
Furthermore, this kind of measure seeks to divide us by race, gender, and sexual orientation. It speaks of there being only 2 genders, male and female. This order affects bathrooms, guidance counselors, #LGBTQIA children, who need support.
This is creating a kind of new McCarthyism where Americans will be spying on and reporting other Americans for supposedly un-American activities when it’s really the Presidents himself and his cronies who have shown themselves to be un-American.
Colluding with foreign dictators, and having encouraged an insurrection in our nation’s capital which amounted to high treason. If that is ‘Patriotic education.’ The role of the federal government is not to institute fear and pressure on our nations educators, I think they already have enough of that.
Last time Trump was president we had churches being burned, bomb threats called into HBCUs, and a general chaos caused by those who hate … truth crushed to the ground will rise again. They can never win because they are on the wrong side of history.
@NatUrbanLeague And Marc Morial has really been out front on this
But they will cause as much damage as they can while they can. I am sure this order is probably illegal & there will be lawsuits pending from many school districts. It is illegal 4 the fed govt to mandate what schools teach or don’t teach
According to the California Department of Education, “It is against federal law for the White House to dictate what educators can and cannot teach by threatening to defund essential public services for students. School curriculum should not vacillate back and forth…”
depending on the occupant of the White House, which is why federal law already prohibits the federal government from leveraging grants to mandate specific instructional content in schools.”
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